5 Reasons Why Natural Childbirth Worked For Me

mommy advice my journey Jul 20, 2016
  1. I knew it was possible. Growing up I was always drawn to stories of women heroines- especially strong & empowered women. Joan of Arc, Ruth from the Bible, Murron from Braveheart. We are enlightened and powerful beings! My desire to attempt a natural birth was strong, strengthened by a legacy of women who have given birth naturally for centuries. Even if this isn't your personal family's history, you could be the first! Do you have a desire for natural birth? Seek the solution!  At least TRY for natural child birth. You'll feel like a bad ass either way delivering a child naturally or with interventions but either way GIVE YOURSELF A FIGHTING CHANCE! Summon that inner warrior woman to help you manage pain naturally. Its about educating yourself--gaining confidence from that education, and thus experience the exhilaration that comes from pushing your baby out with the pain of a contraction. It is a feeling like non other let me tell ya. Start your motherhood experience by being in control of your own child's birth.
  2. It got my husband actively involved. My husband and I were encouraged to take The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth class because of its focus--Husband Coached Childbirth. In our 12 week class we learned about everything from  exercises for prenatal health, relaxation techniques to natural pain management. My husband learned all the gorey- ahem- lovely details of the entire birth process including watching many natural birth videos and learning all the fabulous vocabulary. (He still shudders when I say mucous plug) :) It is, in my opinion, the most comprehensive birth class available. I enjoyed building friendships with the other couples, practicing labor positions and partnering with my husband in our birth. My husband was given specific tasks on how to support me during birth and labor like massaging my back labor, assisting me with relaxation & keeping track of the stages of labor while timing contractions. He was equipped much like a doula to support, encourage and guide me through my labor. Who better to give you encouragement than the person who knows you the most intimately? It gave my husband (who would otherwise go insane without given a task) something productive to do during my labor.
  3. My labor was paced to my body (and baby's) timeframe. In order for your baby to be birthed naturally it must take time. While the average time frame in giving birth (15-18 hours for first time moms) seems intimidatingly long- know that also includes time for your body to take a break from labor. My labor was 21 hours but half of it was not active labor. I napped, walked, talked, danced, ate food throughout active labor because the time in between contractions allowed me to have a break. Natural ways of speeding up labor like walking, changing positions, eating and hydration, taking a shower- all require your mobility .When you use an epidural or pain medications, you commit to being either immobile or being attached to an IV.  Dr. Robert Bradley, Obstetrician and founder of The Bradley Method® shares his opinion on the timeframes for labor stating, "God schedules a birthday, not man".
  4. My recovery from a natural birth was quick. Because I was able to have a natural birth and therefore didn't need pain medication I was able to heal more quickly. I did have a small internal tear which required three stitches so I was definitely careful while healing.  First, let me say I have never had a C-section personally but my sister has had 2 and I have heard her stories of her difficulty healing. C-sections are considered major surgery. And thank God for them! Emergency C-sections have saved countless lives! However, having your body cut open surgically means a longer healing time. After  a C-section you are prescribed serious pain relievers to manage the pain, because it can be so intense. I hope this doesn't come across as bashing C section moms. I have so much respect for C-section mommas, like my sister, who were able to breastfeed & care for an infant despite the discomfort of recovery. This is where a supportive husband or friend is key.  All births are beautiful. A healthy baby & healthy mother are the goal.
  5. My natural birth was cheaper! Now I still walked out of the hospital with a bill due to the charge of my room stay but just understand the moment you enter the hospital you are billed. Each little service that is performed- billed. Every substance given to you- billed. A hospital birth also offers for the peace of mind to have those excellent services available if an emergency should occur. However, understand that you are paying for a service and therefore should be informed about cost. I even brought my own Ibuprofen in my hospital bag so that I could save on that small cost. While this isn't a primary motivator to pursue natural childbirth (you won't care when you are in labor!) but hopefully I'm not the first person that has told you that having children is expensive!! Keeping costs to a minimum might make a difference to future finances. It is something to be budgeted for. Birth Classes taught me that on my hospital tour-ask as many questions as possible, "What is the average cost of a birth in this hospital?" "What is your C-section rate?" "Does your hospital support unmedicated birth practices?"  All parents can have an informed birth! (Read The Cultural Warping of Childbirth for more information.) 

For more information on natural birth please visit my Birth Class page!




*The views contained on this web site are from my personal experience do not necessarily reflect those of The Bradley Method® or the American Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth®*

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