Loving Yourself

be empowered mommy advice Aug 01, 2016

"You don't have to feel like a waste of space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow."

Katy Perry

This post has been weighing heavy on my heart because I, like so many women, do a poor job loving myself. Especially since I've become a mother & therefore my body, mind & soul have changed. I keep hearing in our culture phrases like "Transformation Tuesday", "be the best you", getting your "pre baby body back". All these phrases are aimed at CHANGING YOU. Understand that sometimes women need transformation. We are all a work in progress and there's nothing wrong with that. However, YOU have to be ready to change. You don't need to feel the additional pressure from our society to fix those "problem areas". Guess What?


This constant harassment on women slowly chips away at positive self image, eating your self esteem in little bites with every phrase. I'm all about improvement, but true transformation can only come from within. You don't owe anyone anything. You were born unique. Original. One of a kind. That means that you don't need Jennifer Anniston's arms or Carrie Underwood's legs!! Our society puts an immense pressure on women to perform above and beyond their abilities. Depression, anxiety, substance abuse is at an all time high. We can't measure up. We can't win. That's because the battle is already lost. Because the first battle is to look in the mirror and confront yourself, see yourself for all the wrinkles, rolls, along with that gorgeous twinkle in your eyes and that infectious smile.

Change that inner dialogue from "Ugh" to "Hey there sexy." That inner voice can be your greatest enemy, I know mine is. It tells me to try harder, do more, perform, strive, achieve.

Instead it should say "rest, friend. Embrace it all. Love it all."

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