Re-launch & Update: From Birth Instructor to ADHD Advocate
Aug 04, 2022Hey friends,
Wanted to share some very exciting news with you!! After so many years of providing childbirth education, I have decided to re-launch Just For Momma in my own name! I will now provide a wider range of courses and products. Mostly because of all I've learned these past few years being a parent to 2 neurodiverse children, and discovering that I also have a neurodiverse brain! It's been quite a soul searching, gut wrenching few years. In that time, I've been able to work & now overcome my inferiority complex. I was never secure enough to put my work in my name. But since I've grown in self love and self care these past few years, I'm ready to put myself out in the world. Let me share a quick update.
1. I've moved! Again. But have become rooted in our home in Florida. During that time I've experienced extreme joy and also darkness. I can honestly say I've grown primarily from brokenness (I mean, who didn't in 2020?!) But from that brokenness it has produced resolve, determination, and some much needed grit.
2. ADHD. I've been pretty transparent about my journey with anxiety and depression my whole life. It was a source of shame for many years. Most of them spent trying to "fix" myself, or just turn inwardly and criticize myself. But after discovering that I have ADHD, it's like the whole world has opened to me! And going on medication. It was incredible how my brain transformed. I realized the root of my anxiety was ADHD! More to come on that subject.
3. Diagnosis. IEP's. Therapy. Medication. All for my children. While I was going through my own personal journey, it was in part because of what was happening with my children. Both my children were found to be neurodivergent, namely ADHD along with some other co-morbid conditions. It was honestly the furthest thing from my mind. But after learning all about it, reading books, taking courses it has all fallen into place. This is what I want to share with other parents who feel clueless and uncertain what to do with their struggling child.
If you're reading this, you are a true friend. You've hung in there with me throughout this journey and I wouldn't be who I am without my support system. I am so encouraged, my cup so filled, that it inevitably has spilled out into my life and into this business. This is all from the heart. Sharing my failures as well as my successes. I wished I had someone to walk alongside me who had knowledge and experience when I was going through the diagnosis process. Who could tell me "your not alone", "you are doing your best". Happy we can mother together.
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