Supportive & Loving Home Birth {Birth Photography}

Oct 18, 2017

I could tell Becca had an awesome vibe from her first contact with me. She was so passionate about her home birth and having that moment documented through birth photography as she had an unexpected hospital C section with her first and a hospital VBAC with her second. She was a huge advocate for a natural home birth and found the perfect midwife that would support her goals. The state of Arkansas is still very behind on their maternal health practices and won't perform a VBAC. So she and her husband made a choice- either have another scheduled C-section, or have the home birth of their dreams. They chose a home birth. 

I met Becca and her husband David at our consultation visit and knew they would have a wonderful and supported birth together. They were so connected and sentimental with each other. They already had two energetic boys and were thrilled to have their first baby girl. Becca also shared this would be their rainbow baby, as she had a miscarriage before this pregnancy. She named that baby Ever Rose and had a beautiful memorial specially placed in the room where they would give birth. She wanted Ever to be present and know she is a part of the birth process too. She is forever part of the family. 

I couldn't keep a dry eye with this family. Their home was bursting with love!

I received a text around 8 in the evening to come to the house as she had been experiencing labor on and off for awhile and thought it was it active. Before I arrived she texted that labor stopped. This is really common and I told her I would be back later when she felt it was getting close to active. Her husband David texted me a few hours later stating the midwife was on her way and Becca was in active labor! When I arrived the environment reminded me of what I feel birth used to look like in our culture. The midwife was there checking mom, Becca's mother and grandmother looking over her shoulder, her husband David comforting one of their kiddos who wanted to stay up for the excitement. The family-oriented environment was warm & natural. This is how I imagine our great grandmother's and ancestors birthed at home, with the love and care of family members. Becca was in active labor and was working through some heavy contractions.  This didn't stop her from welcoming everyone who came, thanking me for being there. Soon her best friend since elementary school arrived. They shared many sweet moments together during her labor. Everyone was so supportive. Since dad was occupied putting little brother to bed, mom & grandma were ever present to hold Becca's hand or place a cool towel on her head. This was Becca's third birth and she labored like a pro. She remained still, quiet and even serene throughout her early labor.

Little brother decided staying up was much more preferable to sleeping so Becca's mom took over playing with him so David could join mom in the birth tub. This is when her labor became more intense, contractions began to get closer together. David just held mom, stroking her back, smiling and encouraging her. You could tell they were strengthened by one another. Birth was a common occurrence in their family. 

The midwife was a quiet but powerful support. She remained calm, cool and collected the whole time. She would gently ask mom if she could check her progress (which is never comfortable) and would be the only time Becca would break her silent calm. The midwife assessed that Becca hadn't fully effaced (cervix hadn't completely opened) and so she encouraged mom to wait, even though she had urges to push. The midwife attempted to encourage mom's cervix to ripen and helped the process along. Becca tried getting out of the birth tub and laboring on the toilet. This helps in working with gravity and baby dropping down. This provided her some temporary relief and when she returned to the tub- it was game time. Becca & David moved in sync with one another, moving through each each contraction and push. At one point Becca's labor became so intense she pushed upwards and backwards, causing David to become hilariously squished against the birth tub. David kept a smile the whole time. Becca was ready to push and was able to finally actively engage her labor and quickly their beautiful daughter Mikaela was born! You can see the joy on their faces welcoming their first daughter, a rainbow baby birth and a third child to their family! Becca's mother cried happy tears as little brother pointed at the baby saying "baby? baby?" Even he was a little encourager. Birth like these strengthen the natural home birth culture and show that with the right support and birth team- you can have the birth of your dreams. What a joy to be a part of! 

Stay tuned for a super adorable Fresh 48 session to come! 

See more of her story in the birth photos below. 


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