Tips on Staying Sane as a SAHM

mommy advice Jul 20, 2016

When you are outnumbered by little monsters, left alone to manage the zoo alone you need a few tricks up your sleeve to maintain that luscious mom brain you've worked so hard to develop! Don't let it go to mush!

Tips on Staying Sane as a Stay at Home Mom:

  1. HEADPHONES & MUSIC are essential accessories to your sanity as a SAHM. Drown out the white noise of chaos in your home by putting in those headphones. You can go about your day in lovely bliss listening to classics like "Earl Had to Die" by the Dixie Chicks, or even "Upgrade U" by Beyonce. For more ideas on music send me a message and I can share my playlists.
  2. PODCASTS/TED TALKS are along the same line as Music but if you are feeling about dusting off that old International Relations degree you got 10 years ago (that you never used) and listening about the Mongol Yuan Dynasty I recommend Podbean for all of your Podcast needs. Or educate yourself on social justice, astronomy or dinosaurs on Ted Talks. Don't have much time? You can search Ted Talks according to the time you have- 20 minutes? 1 hour? In the search icon you can select the time you have to enlighten yourself.
  3. CREATE SOMETHING. Part of keeping a piece of yourself alive is to continue to stimulate the creative part of your mind. For me that's cooking a new fun dinner, cookies, paint a terrible but incredibly satisfying painting or simply color your own coloring sheet. For free Zen Momma coloring sheets leave your email on this Instagram page here. While folding laundry or cleaning your bathroom feels good to check off your list--It doesn't feed your soul. And that, my friends, is essential as a SAHM.
  4. RELAX DANG IT! I know some moms are ashamed to admit that when their kiddos go down for a nap that they crumple like a cheap suit. We all wear this facade of having it together. WHY?! Some days you need a nap too. The exhaustion can be overwhelming, even all consuming. It is because as a mom you never actually get a break. It is the most intense job you will ever have and while it is extremely satisfying it is also extremely draining. If you aren't proactive and take those breaks for yourself your only doing your family a disservice. Now maybe taking a nap isn't possible but what are other ways you can take a break? For me- I pour myself a big glass of wine, give my son the iPad and play Daniel Tiger (aka-momma's saving grace), turn on to the latest episode of the Bachelorette & cook something new in the kitchen BY MYSELF. For ideas for new, creative recipes that aren't boring & also are kid friendly click here. My good friend used to take one afternoon a week for herself, usually a Sunday afternoon and would go to a coffee shop, eat something sweet and read. ALONE TIME IS KEY. Time to fill your cup.
  5. FELLOW MOMMA TIME applies to all mothers. Spending time with other mothers is incredibly refreshing. It's a time to share your "war stories", laugh hysterically & bond over your struggles. If you don't currently have a group of mothers that are a support--FIND THEM. I guarantee if you post on Facebook, Twitter wherever and say exactly how you feel- "young mom seeking play dates, mom dates, bonding time with other moms" you will get a response. Every time I've reached out or taken the initiative to hang out the majority of time other moms respond. Need tips on making mom friends?! Watch this video by Millennial Moms on Reality of Making Mom Friends.
  6. GET OUTSIDE! Whether is a walk to the park, library, children's museum, or even your own backyard--getting outside, breathing fresh air, even interacting with other moms at those places--all serve to fill your needs as a human!! I struggled with this initially as my car wouldn't fit three car seats. But I invested in a solid double stroller so that I could walk to the park or library. And even though that is an Olympic event to get three kids ready and out of the house- it's so worth it!! I was able to meet a couple moms at the local story time and met another mom at the park. We laugh about our first impressions of one another chasing screaming toddlers who were dressed better than we were, in our yoga pants and unwashed hair, clinging to our cell phones with dark sunglasses. Amidst that hot mess we connected. Can't leave the house? Invest in backyard toys! We don't have a lot of money to spend so I have gotten several backyard items for free! You would be surprised how many people have held onto those things too long and are happy to get rid of it. Get on as many "Buy, Trade or Sell" Facebook sites and see what you can find! I even found a toddler slide free on Craigslist. While the kids play you can lounge in the sun with a cold iced tea. TOTALLY WORTH IT.

Keep up the good work SAHMs!!! The struggle is real but so is your sanity!!!

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