Weighing Risks & Benefits for Natural Birth- Part 1

be empowered mommy advice natural childbirth Apr 17, 2017

First time, expecting parents are given many options from the moment they are pregnant. Midwife vs OB? Hospital birth vs home birth? Medication vs Natural? Interventions vs Intervention free? Induction vs going into labor naturally? These are just a few examples of the many choices a first time parent has to make. The choices become more detailed if you are seeking a natural labor and childbirth. Being prepared for your labor is key for a natural childbirth. Being your own advocate in your birth environment gives you confidence for a birth free of medication & intervention. During the weeks of birth classes you are constantly asked as a student-"what are the risks and benefits of this decision?"

The beauty of taking a birth class is that it can educate you on the risks vs benefits of each of those choices. The information contained in birth classes is from a trusted & evidenced based source. Are you an avid researcher & blog reader? Stayed up in the late hours of the night anxiously researching all the options available so you can make the best choice? One of the reasons we took a birth class is because I was one of those anxious researchers. My husband finally exclaimed, "Babe, you have to chose what path you want to follow, a method that works best for our child and focus on that information! You can't keep stressing yourself out researching every single option!" And he was right. So I chose the most comprehensive class out there containing the most information, coaching & assistance. Also one that had the added benefit of learning from an instructor who has actually experienced a natural birth!

Our goal at the end of the class is that you as parents are educated and informed on all your choices and empowered to make the best decision for you and your child.

The first step is to sit down as a couple and ask yourself- How are we going to achieve our goal of natural childbirth? Who can help us? Spending several weeks together in a birth class as a couple to discuss your fears/anxieties/concerns, practicing & learning together is a big commitment. Speaking from experience as a birth class instructor I can identify the couples where the husband is not on board. His wife drug him there without first discussing why this class is important to her and their child so he naturally feels resentful. He probably feels confused and super intimidated. Birth classes can be really scary for first time dads. They have visions of couples swaying together in incense filled rooms, discussing eating their placenta and watching frightening birth videos. Husbands sometimes need to be eased into natural birth classes.

Sitting your husband down before taking the class and saying- "we are in this together, from the beginning. I need your help and understanding. I need you to be nonjudgemental and have an open mind. I want you to be fully present alongside me in these classes regardless if you think its 'hippie junk'. I want to know your fears as well. You have a voice in our labor too. I want us to be on the same page with our birth and this class will help us achieve that." You'd be amazed how different your husband would feel if HIS VOICE is heard and HIS FEELINGS are validated. ((And this goes the same if the wife is not on board as well.))

Healthy communication is the foundation of a healthy partnership & marriage. Without it you are both lost in your own fears and worries, you also can't share in the joy and beauty of birth. You are isolated & feel alone. Your birth instructor can't teach you how to have a healthy marriage. They can teach you communication techniques, how to work together as a team in birth but only you have the opportunity to strengthen your marriage.

Natural childbirth gives you the gift of partnering together to achieve a goal.

Discussing this beforehand is key to fully committing to your goal of natural childbirth. BOTH of you need to be on board. 

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