What to Expect When Taking a Childbirth Class

be empowered natural childbirth Mar 22, 2017

There are so many options for birth classes out there now that it's hard to know which class to choose from! Birth education is gaining in popularity because so many families are interested in knowing what to expect during their pregnancy, labor and delivery. There is also a growing number of families interested in natural childbirth meaning- a childbirth free of medical interventions and medication. It's important to know what your goals are as a couple and see which classes are right for your pregnancy and delivery goals. My husband and I were committed to having a completely natural birth and heard great reviews from friends and family about The Bradley Method® also known as Husband Coached Childbirth. It supported our goals and we enjoyed the comprehensive classes containing info from prenatal health, exercising, relaxation and our favorite- labor rehearsals.

We were able to work together as a team in our pregnancy. My husband reminded me to do the exercises every night and even did them with me. We utilized the techniques we learned in our Bradley class and were able to have a birth completely natural and free of interventions. It was exhilarating! 

After our son turned 10 months I decided to start my journey towards becoming a Bradley Method® Instructor. It was a great experience teaching the class and the training process was very thorough. After teaching for 2.5 years, I began getting feedback from my students that while they enjoyed taking my class, they were hoping for more updated material, more visual aids and videos, course flexibility (having an online learning option) as well as additional information on pain management techniques. After continually receiving their feedback I decided to part ways with Bradley Method® and teach my own courses, which I am so excited to share with you now! 

What to expect taking a Childbirth Class: 

  1. You will feel empowered & confident to birth YOUR way- If there's one thing I've learned from my own birth experiences and teaching birth classes is that every pregnancy is different- every birth is unique! We all come from different backgrounds and that means that we may all have different birth preferences. Both of my births were drastically different experiences- I had both a hospital and home birth. You will be able to learn from my personal experience as well as others to determine what your birth goals will be. Some people would like an unmedicated birth, others want to know what their options are for pain management- it's your personal preference. My job is to provide you with all the information you need in order for you to weigh the risks & benefits of your choices- to have the most empowered birth possible! 
  2. You will graduate the class with the most crisp, clean and confident birth plan. There's an entire class spent on how to weigh all your options and how to write your own birth plan. In the class you learn to ask- What are the benefits? What are the risks? Your instructor is not a medical professional but can instead speak from *personal experience* of weighing all the risks & benefits. Every birth is different and you have to make the best choice for your body and your baby. Knowing all the options available is the first step. You will discuss this as a group and get other pregnant couple's thoughts. The end result- the most personalized birth plan that you and your partner feel completely confident about.
  3. Your husband will initially be skeptical. Most husbands are convinced by their wives to take a birth class. They think "oh a bunch of hippies swaying around incense" or that they will be forced into awkward situations or- gasp- have to watch a real vaginal birth video! (Well that part is true ;)) Know that MY husband was skeptical as well. He thought he could Youtube some videos on birth and then be a pro. *Insert eye roll here* But as the weeks go on you will see his heart softening, his mind opening. His brain clicking into the fact that- wow this is hard work and I have to be there to support my wife! Best part of birth classes is that they focus on the husband. I always include my husband in most of the classes. Who better to speak of being a coach than the real deal? My husband loves speaking from his personal experience and provides constant support to my students. Having a husband-coach who has experienced all their fears and anxieties and can validate them makes a huge difference.
  4. You will make lifelong friends. I am still good friends with the couples in my birth class I took 4 years ago! Our children were born in the same year and we bonded over our early motherhood struggles. In our birth classes we all take time to get to know one another personally. You express your doubts, your fears, your joys and anxieties together as a group! It was so comforting to be surrounded by a positive support group! When we graduated the class we all stayed in touch encouraging one another through our births. We learned from each other's mistakes and were empowered by each other's experiences. Know you've made friends for a lifetime taking birth classes together. Your instructor is also a constant support. They are available for questions or concerns. They are there to empower you every step of the way. You've made a partner and friend for life! Not able to take a class in a traditional classroom setting? No worries! I offer an online course where you can learn at your own pace. All the same information that you would learn in a classroom setting- at your fingertips. I also offer an online support community through my Just for Momma Facebook page. You can ask questions from other class graduates, mommas who have been through my classes and can share their personal experiences. And I am always available to provide support to my online students and can even assist you in forming your own local support network! 
  5. You will feel like a natural childbirth expert by the end of classes: Birth classes are the most comprehensive out there. You leave no stone unturned, no question unanswered. You talk about preparing your body for birth, prenatal health, exercise, preparing your partner for birth, relaxation guides, stretching, anatomy of pregnancy and birth, communication, breastfeeding, postpartum support and the list goes on! Instructors are all unique and come from all different walks of life. Some love to host a supplementary baby wearing education class, some are prenatal yoga instructors, others are retired teachers or nutritionist. Some are home birth advocates and others choose hospitals. Each Instructor brings a special perspective from their own experience and love to pepper in their own passions!  I've never had a student walk away without feeling fully confident that they are informed and empowered to have the best birth possible.

If you'd like more information on how to start your journey towards childbirth education please visit my webpage here and see what class option works best for you! The beauty of my classes is the flexibility- learn at your own pace online or if you're local- join my group classes! 



*The views contained on this web site are from my personal experience and do not necessarily reflect those of The Bradley Method® or the American Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth®*

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